Saturday 5 July 2014

And that's my Tale #WOW post #UBC (day 6)

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.Write Over the Weekend inspiration for this time-Your life is going to be made into a novel! Write an introduction for this novel. How will you creatively reflect on your life spent?

She went across the fields to avoid the straight highways, only to find firing lines longed with people shooting at the cost of their lives, and hills converted to crosses. Like a shadow of the day she reached her place and looked down at the cross with her name inscribed on it. When the firing ends, she thought to herself, there will be somebody who comes to these graves in search of a life. To him, she must do justice. She must guide, enlighten and awaken them through a new world and gift them the spirit of the love and hope. And he, the wanderer, shall give birth to this new world. 

Known for being a Spiritual Guide to many, Soumyaa Verma's journey is one being "to the grave and back", both guarded by her own actions. She is a strong believer of Karma and when she found apocalypse smothering it's way to her kinds, she decided to leave a trace of her existence for that one wanderer who comes in search of enlightenment. 

This book describes her life in pieces and shall be a rescue for any soul in search of his new world, unrestricted in happiness, creation, love, inspiration, candor and certitude. Strangely, at times you need to magnify, to foster a bigger picture. 
She believes that true happiness can never come by squandering oneself, even for a purpose. Peace and a sense of achievement brings happiness to her.  
Her journey to inner peace has not been traversed on in a blink. As you read through, you will discern the moments where she ignored all the pain, danced in the rain, bestowed upon her family, loved and learnt, forgot and forgave and most importantly accepted the two sides of her coin. 

You know you will be walking through the book if there have been a few times in your life when all your instincts have told you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans and may seem crazy to others. During such times, this book will tell you to play your music loud, like Soumyaa did, ignoring logic, the odds and the complications. 
This book is about her struggles to make a mark, to be counted as worthy, to be able to look up at herself, to be able to stand aloof and after all this, to never let the innocence of a child unleash in her.

Turn pages to satisfy your wanderlust...

Though, I do not plan to pen down my life anytime soon, I'm still thirsty and burning with wanderlust, but when I do it shall in someway look like the above. :) Y'all do read! 

I'm also linking this to the Ultimate Blog Challenge (Day-6)


  1. wow. do I get to read the further chapters? :)

  2. Soumyaa, this is so inspiring and hope the book takes shape. Compelling read:)

    1. I hope so too! But it's nowhere near. Someday :)
      Thank you Vishal!

  3. wow soumyaa! this is awesome :) the way you have given the introduction, I definitely want to read more! do write it someday n hopefully soon :)

    1. Someday definitely, Swathi. Thank you so much ! :)

  4. "most importantly accepted the two sides of her coin." Wonderful ! :)

    1. Isn't that so important!
      Thank you Payal. Welcome to my blog :)

  5. Wonderfully expressed, Soumyaa! Love all the lines, especially the last one :)
    Do write your book soon :)

    1. Thank you Anita! Once I get enough of a hold on life, I will !

  6. If you can imagine this you can make it happen :) All the best for your journey to your self!

    1. Thank you Beloo! Some inspiration there :)

  7. A truly captivating introduction! And really such a good prompt to begin with. You did a wonderful job of articulating your vision for this life. :)

    1. That was exactly what I planned do to through this post, articulate my vision for life! Good to hear from you Lauren :)

  8. Here in the introduction, I can see the real Soumyaa whose life I have seen through the bits and pieces of her imagination.
    I loved the way you creatively described Hills converted to crosses :)
    “~ will tell you to play your music loud, like Soumyaa did, ignoring logic, the odds and the complications.”—I yearn to read that part if someday you complete your book.
    Your last paragraph has thrown a new light on the writer Soumyaa and I respect you all that more for the same reason of course. Yes, totally loved the last paragraph minus the last line. I personally feel that without a child’s innocence unleashing inside us we can never actually taste the joy and happiness of life in real.
    P.S: I loved the picture. Without saying anything it says a lot about the girl in picture. :). Even the shadow and the lighting everything though beautiful is trying hard to shout something. Just like your introduction, even the picture says a lot without actually telling everything and leaving a lot for the imagination of the readers. Is it going to be the picture on your book?

    In the comments above, you said Someday you will start writing it. Why can’t that someday be today? There has to be a beginning right? :)

    1. Because you've been reading ALL my posts, I can safely say that you probably know me more than some people around me in real life ;) and so you could identify with me in this post!
      I'm glad you liked the picture. I added it for the same reason, that it defined me in so many aspects. But I do not think I'll be adding the same picture on the cover of my book, because what will be the surprise then? ;)

      I'll start writing it when I have enough experience of life, as it is. I'm not even an adult legally, I'm sure there is so much more for me to learn. And when I think I've stood up on those limits where people WOULD gain something from reading me, then I'd pen myself down. Im sure it will happen one day :) Thanks for encouraging!


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